The final presentation of the photojournalism workshop organised by him in 2002.
Three prints of all participants were on open display in the final presentation day.
I chose these three (faces in the studio portrait category):
1 - The changing little girl (Aimi). She is changing clothes to pose for us. I deliberately did not want to display a neatly posed photo and instead chose to tell the story of the moments in between the shoots which was the live event. And it was the movement that i captured and not the sharp detail of the face.
2 - White moment. A high key portrait of one of the participants. I wanted to present the blankness of a moment and the thinking mind at the same time and shot in high key to eliminate all around the subject. After shooting i realized that the stand of a light is visible but i liked the accent of the studio quality and kept without cropping.
3 - Relaxing. Maizan Hassanbe relaxing in between shoots. Yes he posed on one session and it was fun too. I had very sharp shots too but again did not want to show precision of photography but instead wanted to be in the moment and present the in between shot of a relaxed moment. I also liked the blur on this picture because he was constantly moving and talking at the same time.