Tuesday, February 16, 2010

National Day

As we celebrate National Day remember that we, "the people", is the nation. We are like a tree, from a seed we grow and spread and bear fruit and continue to grow. We branch in many directions and in varying sizes. Sometimes we shed leaves, but only to give way for new leaves to grow. Although very true that the young leaves collect the source of food from the sun necessary for survival, without the roots, which hold a tree firmly in all extreme conditions, those food from the leaves are but only a falling dream.
Though we are a mix of peoples, with differing thoughts and ideas, it is together that we can become the nation we dream. Like our olden boats, having no engine at all, they cross great oceans. They knew that if they made a sail to catch the wind, which even if they never saw, could take them to greater distances. The only condition was to go along with the wind, together our ancestors, the boat they made and the wind they made history in maritime culture.
Where is “my country” which I cannot see and yet I dream about? Where is “my nation” which I cannot touch and yet her warm embrace shelters me? Where is “my mother-tongue” which I cannot spell and yet her whisper is like a spell on me? Where is “my national anthem” which I cannot hear and yet she cries aloud? Where is “my mother-land” which I cannot smell and yet spreads her sweet scent on me? Where is “my people” whom I never felt and yet all around me?
Today we must not forget the socio economic problems that sleep with us today. I hear all concerned talk of the problems day and night and on voice, picture and paper. Talking is good that it is a beginning. And more, today we must talk, yes talk but about the solution and not the problem. There are different walks of life that people pursue today. For simply an economic benefit if they keep on talking until a next offer is at their hand we shall keep on talking.
I am putting a pencil on my table and I want you to tell me how to take that pencil from the table. Although when tomorrow realizes actually to become a today, there will surely be many thoughts and ideas of how to take that pencil. Some might even present beautiful presentations on how to take that pencil. Others will surely submit detailed technical reports with facts and calculations. Interesting suggestions might even be given to bring in expert help and heavy machinery to lift that pencil. Days might pass simply filling my mind and my desk too with “how to take a pencil” research data.
But I simply forward my hand and lift the pencil. To do that it took me only a second. It is the will to do what I want to do with what I have and in limited time for the benefit of everyone.
I wish all a smiling future.

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