Friday, September 10, 2010


A clownfish lives in the dense, yet colourful and interestingly varying elevations of a tropical reef. A scuba diver or someone who snorkel knows the real beauty of the bright and active city that lie beneath the surface of the sea. Some think that the clownfish is an ordinary, carefree, dependable fish dancing happily for the rest of his life in orange and white stripes. But others believe the clownfish is as holy as a person in a pure white cotton dress, wrapped in a bright orange stole with a pleated black hem.
The clownfish live in the sea anemone, a delicate and protective adobe from among the dwellings of the city. For him the sea anemone sway in waltz to the blue notes of the ocean. And by night she glows to light up the city and her warm cuddle puts him to sleep. For some others it is the last act of play they may ever see.
The abode of the clownfish, as he believes, is a shelter from the destructive monsoon. He never knew the blessings of a monsoon until once a jellyfish told him about the paralyzed driftwood that journeyed in the monsoon. How the caravan of the ocean currents carried him afloat through the colourful carnival of the distant towns.


P said...

can u put up pictures to go with your texts?

pupurupus said...

thanks p, for the idea too ... yes possible & will try from next post onwards ...