Monday, February 14, 2011


Listening to a beautiful classical eastern song and singing it aloud while sketching a design doesn't stop my mind wandering beyond my physical self. I am thinking about this for sometime now. Solutions to social unrest and how to build a steady even bridge between a hut and the skyscrapers. Solutions sound liquid most instances, and they are stirred every now and then. It makes clear that two or more are needed to make a solution. The simplest solution, water is made up of two, and one of them is another two. I am myself alone but you are not far away. Together we make a good solution and we shall need a bigger bucket when, even if slowly, the solution increase in a diverse kaleidoscope of tasty reflections.
Some say that they cannot understand some of my writings and they are very true. Some writings I imagine in my mother tongue and what you see are translations for this blog and hence hoping access for more readers. And these writings might not have the correct english because I rarely pass in that language at school. Read or not, I am not Shakespeare, but neither Shakespeare nor another is me and they did not write as I did.
But I am serious about the social solution that together we can mix. See my eyes are already getting smaller and forehead curling up, a prelude to my seriousness, but the singing is still here. Oh! this is a beautiful song. I think I want to write a translation of this right now, thats a break on social juice:
- begin translate -
"(as) that one's thought bubbles, (those thoughts) kept bubbling
insane life became and remained
that one's thoughts ...
every breath, is someone's memory
queasiness kept on increasing
that one's thoughts...
from this heart springs a friend's call
uninhabited my heart was , (which) kept inhabiting
that one's thoughts ...
(as if) lightening struck my consciousness
(from her) intoxicating looks, (i) kept drinking
as that one's thought bubbles, (those thoughts) kept bubbling
insane life became and remained
that one's thoughts ..." - end translate -
Where were we, oh! i think you had enough ... so lets not intoxicate our real solution with that. Speaking of solutions reminds me of a watermelon juice that I made sometime earlier. With lots of crushed ice and a little lime, a little papaya for the pulpiness and flesh colour when mixed with watermelon. Add a little fresh sugar cane juice for sweetness. Of course tummy will not sing merry-go-round the mulberry bush. But this week its screw pine juice cooked from fresh bunch sent from my vacation home in south-central. One of these days I should upload a photo of that screw pine. Too much diversion is not good at this early morning hours since I have to be at the airport at 0800hrs. No, am not going abroad but to an island to see the existing buildings and site prior to making a redevelopment concept. Projects for the year are now at inception stage.
Now am proposing my contribution in creating the solution for the first mentioned social juice. "Free" is my ingredient and I want you to add yours, and yes, yours too. If everyone does or provide everything free then the need may never arise to create any more solutions. Some may say that this is impossible, but I see it happening slowly. I wish and hope to see that day even if on my 100th birthday in 2071 or little later. Think it in simple terms. Let's begin from me and then you and you and so on. If I do everything free (suppose if I do), you might think how would I survive for my basics like food, shelter, clothing and then bills and other necessities. But if a grocer does the same, then I get fed, building materials and contractor the same and retail clothing shops the same and so on. But again you might say how would those people then give away their goods and services for free since they have to buy goods and hire staff. But I would say that If the cycle continues at the farmers level, the raw material level and work for them too for free since they even get everything free.... Am I confusing you or I am not understanding the economics of a social juice. To put it even simpler, I would say that when everyone and everything is free then there would not arise a need for any price tag and no one will be greedy either. Ultimately the precipitants in the social juice will settle (even if ground in a mixer still there would be some tiny particles left to settle) and a clean and tasty and colourful juice is what we have for everyone to taste. But what if the glass is not clean?

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