Sunday, February 13, 2011

my math class

I love numbers. Why do I believe that am still learning to count? And I haven't yet gone beyond the number one. I began from nine and am stuck at one.
Nine is so small that I cannot see. How many letters do I have in my name? I count it as eight but they spell my name in different ways that I get so confused and begin mid way every time. I have to begin counting again. People say that there are seven heavens but I cannot see them hence they must be really small and definitely not big because big things are visible to our eyes, see for example the stars which are clearly seen to our naked eyes even from that far, but not as small as nine which so infinite and myself, eight because I have two holes. They say that the universe was created in six days and that must be a fairly average number in those days. With our legs, hands and head we can point five continents at the same time so that must be a big lead to follow. Four seasons are so big that no one sees all of them at the same time, nor they sleep in all of them at once. Where are the three musketeers now? Two of us can make a wild big nation (that is if we know how to keep statistics of population growth!). And here we are at one. One is so big that I cannot lift her with my one hand. 

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